According to Arstechnica in March 2018 VR headsets account for 0.3% of steam users.
You appear therefore to to be limiting your rating to a rather small subset of gamers.
Not everyone feels that current VR is the sole basis of playing racing, or in fact, any games. If VR was so necessary for gaming then the uptake would be far higher than it really is.
"Overall, VR users still represent an incredibly tiny minority of all the PC gamers on Steam—just under 0.3 percent when Rift and Vive users are combined. That translates to just about 200,000 users with VR access among the 67 million monthly active users Steam reported as of August. PlayStation VR, by contrast, managed to sell two million units in just over a year, though it's hard to say how many of those units are still in active use."
To be honest, I would suggest that LFS's physics were excellent 10 years ago, however other sims have caught up and some offer an equal or better experience.
You say a feature of LFS is it's low resource use, then limit your support to VR games, what exactly is 'low resource requirements' for VR ????
My mid/high end machine is pushing it to support VR in any game. (i5 3570 and GTX970, Not exactly a bottom end system.)
If your pc is capable of playing any other game released later than 2014 then you should be fine IF the LFS update is released today......
It won't be, nor will it be released for 'a while', (enter time period here.)
As LFS has spent a lot of time developing VR, which does not run on a potato, then when the graphics, followed by physics update is 'actually' released you will have had enough time to enter the 21st century and actually have a pc that is capable of dealing with 2014 minimum graphics requirements.
Seriously, if you want to play 'current' games on a pc, spend some money on putting together a gaming pc. Or, just play on your playstation or xbox.
LFS has run on a potato for many, many, many years. It would be nice to actually see some product that has moved on from it's current state, which has not developed or changed for many years.
Sorry, there have been developments in DoS protection........
No further comment on this.......
EDIT: FFS, I can put together a decent gaming PC for NZ$600 that will run any current gen game at 60 FPS, it isn't hard to do. This will also run LFS with VR. Do try to get your **** together if you want to play 'current' games on pc.
News Flash - technology does in fact move on, and, at 'some' stage, so will LFS min requirements.
Like T1 on a public demo server, BUT with great destructible physics and no penalty.
This is a really fun game that I completely recommend. The 'physics' may not be to 'LFS standard' but given every thing else with car upgrades etc its great fun. 9/10 for fun and enjoyment.
My guideline for RBR car setups, get a brake bias that suits you, play lots......
Play with spring rates, softer is a good start, raise dampening a bit, play lots.........
After that just find what you feel works for you, drive around minor setup issues unless you've really gone badly wrong, thats because this game focuses on smoothness and skill far more than the final 5% car setup.
Your not on a racetrack so it comes down to your preferred driving style far more than a hotlap car setup.
Learn to set the car up for a corner well before the actual corner, learn to dab the handbrake and flick the car around, brake early and keep up your momentum, and above all, don't overdrive the car as that is the biggest mistake that you can make.
If you want a kickass gaming machine for the latest games then SLI 1070's with VR sounds good. VR ATM has pretty high requirements so given an unlimited budget that should work. ( Best 1070 price in NZ ATM is 800.00 EACH...)
I find that a i5 3570 with 16 Gig ram and a 970 works well for me with most games and gives a very playable framerate even in Rome 2.
SSD's are great for games that call on the HD frequently, I use one for the OS, one for games like the latest Total War type games and Dirt Rally, Automobilista, etc and an older Velociraptor for Skyrim and Kingdom Come, RSRBR etc.
A standard HD is fine for Civ #, LFS, and other games that are not time critical.
An SSD makes the biggest difference to games, but it's most noticeable with those that are frequently loading additional data.
LFS runs on a potato if you don't want VR, It's not multi threaded so any decent single core processor runs it as as well, if not better, than the latest processors. To get the 'best' LFS performance you want good single core rather than multi core performance. 'Perhaps' the soon to arrive update may change this but I've seen nothing to suggest LFS will be going multicore 'soon'
Like some other games (cough) 8 years of development doesn't seem to have achieved a great outcome. Watch the full review and see if those raised questions can be answered.
Sorry but I'll leave buying (Like S3) till I see some further progress. RSRBR is still the go to for me.
(I'd really love to see a sim that get's close to RBR, it was released in 2004 and to date no rally sim has come close to this 13 year old classic.)
Nearly all my racing now is offline given the current state of online gaming in NZ. Given our distance from everything and the limited timeI have for racing at the present it's easier finding a sim that offers a great offline experience.
Probably better not comment about this sim........
Outstanding in my opinion. Physics are as good as LFS. Outstanding range of stock vehicles plus allows modded vehicles. ALLOWS MODDED TRACKS !!!!!
This is my go to for track racing, and has been for a while.
EDIT: It also has a fairly good, tune-able AI so that racing the AI is actually a bearable experience. A thing that other sim's could look at IMHO.......
Richard Burns Rally
THE rally sim. Graphics are dated, as is the sim, but as a driving experience it's the best. And, with RSRBR it's updated regularly, physics are tweaked, cars and tracks are added.
Shows really what community input can do to create the best offroad driving experience from a sim thats been 'dead' for years.........
Dirt Rally
Just fun to play. It has lot's of issues but still the best Code Masters rally sim. Although Colin McCrae 2 is still fun.
GP Legends
Well, its still is up there in great racing games and it still gets some wheel time.
I love the ability to add mods to bring new experiences to a sim game. Many of the games I love are old, offer less than stellar graphics and require my time and input to create my version of the game. Most are modable and that is what has kept most of the older, no longer officially developed games up to date and still playable in 2018.
And, my replies here relate to various pm's I've recently received from some forum members who claim to be from Turkey. All fun and games in my opinion. Try asking them ( Turkish Forum Members ) about the Armenian genocide , or in fact any negative Turkish comment, and watch the paid govt shrills ( Asked that question and that question was completely ignored. ) have a melt down.
That's the fun of an open area on a forum at this time.
And I'll add Adwcleaner (now owned by Malwarebytes) as a good way to clean browsers after too many visits to dodgy t*****t sites.
Not that anyone here would do that, but it picks up issues that malwarebytes doesn't.
Reading this (and other related threads ) I can't help feeling that the ability to mod the game (LX8 being really a mod !) would appear to be giving a breath of new life to the sim whilst we all wait (No comment) for the 'soon' to be coming official update.
As many other racing sim's learned this simple lesson many years ago I can't help feeling that if LFS embraced modded tracks, as a simple example, it may well lead to more people actually buying the game. This would give the dev's money, the reason I believe they actually work on the sim, and would encourage and support their time spent on working on the 'soon' to be coming major update.
As this (LX8) mod is 'officially' supported, I'd like to think that the Dev's could actually think about their cashflow situation and seriously consider this suggestion.
(Wot with the massive takeup of VR as a mainstream gaming platform )
E ahua ana ahau ki te mamae i tetahi pene iti, ko taku raru tenei.
(FYI: Te Reo is an official language of Aotearoa) And given the Turkish language PM's that I've been recently receiving, this is an appropriate reply.
You should all just wait for the official update, I'm sure it will include the now classic sirrocco, LX8, and new physics. Coming soon to the Amazon Gaming Channel near you..............
(if your playing offline then go for gold*)
* Modding the game is completely illegal and is severally disapproved of on this forum. I personally and officially want to state you are clearly criminal scum who should be punished to the full extent of the law.+
(+ The above was posted to ensure I'm not banned again from the forum for expressing different views from the official development teams clearly correct views.)
Time to look at immigrating,the above map may help. Pro Tip: Avoid Australia.
Meanwhile, in NZ, "Although it is extremely rare and very few New Zealanders have ever seen one, the Katipo spider is the closest thing New Zealand has to a dangerous insect. Apparently, it bites but the chances of you encountering one are very slim. The katipo is black with a red stripe on its back, and it's about the size of a pea. Although its venom is not lethal, the area could get infected and you should immediately seek medical help if bitten."
Catch the culprit
With all suspected spider bites it is important to know which spider may have been responsible. Try to capture the spider without endangering anybody and take it to the doctor or hospital with you, or describe it carefully for identification.
With suspect spiders:
approach with caution – do not handle
you may wish to use a fly spray that claims to be effective on spiders to stun the spider before killing it and/or placing it in a sealed jar.
Yup, in NZ even spiders are considered innocent till proven guilty.
Ask the devs to reset your unlocks. And try learning english or how google translate works.
EDIT: Or, as I'm keen to be a good PC tosser, then try posting in Chinese or Spanish (WTF) just to be clear on the net. Portuguese is only used by 2.6% of users.
Politically Correct Portuguese Google Translation.
Peça aos desenvolvedores para redefinir seus desbloqueios. E tente aprender inglês ou como o google translate funciona.
EDIT: Ou, como eu estou ansioso para ser um bom PC tosser, tente postar em chinês ou espanhol (WTF) apenas para ficar claro na net. Português é usado apenas por 2,6% dos usuários. Sorrir
And an even more locally 'Politically Correct' Te Reo Google Translation. (We have our own language too !!! )
E uma tradução do Google ainda mais localmente "Politicamente Correto". (Nós temos nossa própria língua também! )
A he maha ake ano hoki te waahanga o te reo 'Translation Correct' Te Reo Google. (Kei a tatou ano te reo ake !!!)
A ani i nga nama ki te tautuhi i to tuwhera. A ka ngana ki te ako i te reo angitu, me pehea te whakamahinga o te mahi google.
EDIT: I te mea e hiahia ana ahau kia pai ki te tuku i te PC, ka ngana ki te tuhi i te Hainamana me te Pania (WTF) hei maama i runga i te kupenga. Ko te Portuguese anake e whakamahia ana e 2.6% o nga kaiwhakamahi. Te ataata
The G27 also comes with the H shifter which is a 'give us more $$money$$' option with the G29. Save yourself NZD $ 78.1768 to get at least as good a wheel.
The poor wee thing is running win 10, min 2 gig ram for 64 bit, who knows what else in the background, and LFS. Considering how limited those specs are expecting them to run a game as well is just run is expecting far too much.
Ideal solution, a better pc, failing that 4 gig of ram will really help with shared graphic memory and giving it some headroom to run programs. This will improve the lappy for all uses, rather than only LFS. Changing a 2 gig ram laptop to 4/8 gig can be eye opening with win 10 to see what an overall life improvement it is.
It's still a puppy but at least it isn't always peeing in the middle of the lounge anymore.
And LFS will run on a pentium 4 with a 15 year old graphics card better than it runs on that laptop......
Just put some more ram into the poor thing, 4 gig is the absolute minimum and 8 gig would do wonders. It should be illegal to sell machines with 2 gig of ram today, (or for the last 6 years !).
Well, your main criticism, or rather RPS's criticism seems to be a lack of gender fluid characters who identify as a unicorn. (That is a joke FYI !)
Fine, perhaps in a patch they could add the South Park solution 'Token Black' character just to calm people who seem to feel the lack of such completely invalidates the game.
If your actually interested in history, here is an article on Czech society in 2016. "When it comes to equality between men and women, the Czech Republic is not bad at accepting various commitments and strategic documents. The problem is that there is little success in making gender equality more than just talk and putting it into practice."
Yet, in your world, 1403 Bohemia should be a model of equality and freedom.
The actual truth of the matter is that 15th century life operated as a "patriarchy, and the various -isms it’s associated with: sexism, classism, and chauvinism." You may not like the fact, but that is how life was and expecting a game to change that to a 21 century SJW world with equal rights for all and weekly gay pride marchs just to make SJW's happy is thankfully not happening in this game or with this studio.
And, Racer Y, Hi M8. Fun post but you'll get Forbin's nose out of joint again by saying